Frequently asked questions

If you have a question that's not about the general operation but about usage of the app, you might find your answer here instead since we have a separate FAQ for all questions about the usage of the app.

Welcome to our frequently asked questions page. If you have any question that should be listed here, please let us know! We’d like to expand this page to include as much information as possible because a lot of people only look for answers here.

Where do I get Liphium? link

Liphium is still in an alpha state, but if you are probably gonna try anyway. You first need to set up a server with Liphium Station (or get a friend that has a Liphium instance to send you an invite code) and then connect to it using one of our apps. Setting up your own Liphium instance is quite complicated and since there are no guides (for now), you should probably wait for that. But if you’re willing to try it out, the code is always available on our GitHub repository.

Why make another chat app? link

I mostly just thought about chat apps really hard because I don’t really use social media much. Through the desire for more features and better privacy across the social media stack, Liphium was born. Then there is also the lack of features in other messaging apps (such as Microphone sensitivity and more) that motivated me even more to make my own instead of building on top of an existing protocol like Matrix. And look what we have now. Zap, Tabletop and all the other things that make Liphium unique could not have been created without making everything from scratch.

What is Liphium? link

Liphium is a chatting and sharing platforms that caters towards people that want a digital place for all of their friends. A place where you can play, share files easily and have fun together while also giving you the essential features for basic communication. One thing that makes Liphium unique is that you can literally communicate with everyone that has an account on any server. Just like Email, you can add them as a friend by asking them for their address and Liphium will figure everything else out. After they’ve accepted your request you can use all features of the app with them without limitations. With all of these capabilities there is never one central authority (like one big company) that can control your access to Liphium or just delete your account.